I received so many ideas, suggestions,and recipes, for mangoes...plus researched some new ones online. I thank each and every one of you, and appreciate all of them so much . With all the mangoes still on the tree, there will be plenty of time this month to try out new recipes.
One recipe recipe and single perfect photo that I wanted to try out was my dear friend Ping's, @ping's pickings in Malaysia... that called for agar powder, a replacement for gelatin, (which is animal based powder)...compared to agar that is pure vegetarian-vegan. I also had a small portion of agar powder, sent to me, as a gift...among a lot of other useful baking gifts, from my other dear friend, Amelia, @Amelia's De-ssert...also, from Malaysia. I'm so fortunate to have such amazing friends from all over the globe.
Well, since I apparently have used up the agar powder from before, I did discover another powder, which will surprise my American friends. It is the ever so commonly used; PECTIN...which is also a vegetarian-vegan based thickening agent, mostly used for jams, and jellies. Let me tell you, it worked perfect. I did my homework, once again researching the Internet for replacing agar powder, and came up with pectin. It is really very nice, a light white powder; very affordable, and you only need to use a teaspoonful to slightly thicken your pudding, or mousse. Also, I created my own mango mousse, using the simple method, without the use of eggs, and just simple basic ingredients...it worked, and turned out amazing.
Now, I have 2 amazing simple recipes for you, one is mine, and the second one is Ping's, which she featured in her June 25, 2012 post. Please visit her beautiful blog, and you will find other wonderful recipes from her, which are all her creative ideas (no source mentioned)...so I do believe they are all her secret recipes...sharing with you!
Mango Mousse
created by; Elisabeth
4 cups of mango pulp
from 4 medium peeled, and diced mangoes
juice of 1 lemon
1 1/2 teaspoon pectin powder
2 Tbsp. cane sugar
1 pint heavy cream
In a blender, add the peeled, and cut up pieces of mangoes, along with the juice of 1 lemon, puree the mangoes with the 2 Tbsp. sugar, and the 1 1/2 teaspoon pectin. In a medium saucepan, pour the mango pulp mixture and heat on medium-high, stirring, but not frequently; let it come to a slow bubble, take off the heat, to slightly cool. In the meantime whip up the heavy cream, and halfway through, add 1 or 2 Tbsp powdered sugar. Whip to a consistency, by testing with you finger to make sure that it has a "peak"...do NOT whip any further than that point, or it will become whipped butter!
Pour the cooled mango pulp into a large bow, and carefully fold the whipped cream incorporating it. Pour into dessert bowls, and place in fridge to cool, and set...about 2hrs, or overnight if you can wait that long. I will be very light, fluffy, not too "jelled"...but just the right consistency to enjoy as a beautiful and perfect summer dessert. Decorate according the way you like to, with pieces of mango, or whipped cream on top.

200 ml milk
200 ml coconut milk
4 tbs sugar
1/2 tsp agar powder
1 medium-sized ripe mango (about 250 g uncut weight)
Remove peel and seed of mango. Puree 3/4 of the flesh in a food processor with a little milk until smooth. (I had about 1/2 cup pureed flesh). Cut remaining flesh into slivers or cubes ... your preference. Set that aside.
Place milk, coconut milk, sugar and agar powder into a pot.
Stir over medium heat until sugar and agar have dissolved.
Stir in pureed mango and turn the heat off. Mix well.
Pour into moulds or cups.
Refrigerate until firm, about 1 - 2 hours, depending on how big your moulds are.
Serve with mango slivers or cubes.