Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts
Cranberry Upside-Down Cake
Thanksgiving came...and went this year; with less family members, and less friends. Each year it is different than from the year before. Isn't it true, that during the major holidays we lose family and friends to 'death' or they just move away...move on...never to be heard from, again...or for a long connection?... it does make one sad, but 'life does go on' and we have to make the best of it!
We have so much to be thankful for, and count our blessings even if its for our every day lives that we interact with other family members and friends that we see often, or once in-a-while! As far as some of our neighbors...well, in my situation where I live; that is very awkward. I hear the srong gusty winds these days, and the 'roaring ocean'. It is always
10 or more degrees cooler here, so this week one day, I woke up to what seemed to be freezing temperature, when others further up north, or in other parts of Europe had way below freezing and snow doubt!
10 or more degrees cooler here, so this week one day, I woke up to what seemed to be freezing temperature, when others further up north, or in other parts of Europe had way below freezing and snow doubt!
...let's get on with the rest of the Thanksgiving 'feast'...and recipe for the Cranberry Upside-Down Cake!
For the Cranberry Upside-Down Cake, I used the recipe from my sweet daughter Lora's blog @
note: if you don't have cake flour, it is important to substitute correctly for all-purpose flour but you have to make adjustment to it!
For the 1 1/4 cup of cake flour used in the recipe: use 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour: remove 2 Tbsp. of flour, before sifting, and then replace it with 2 Tbsp. corn starch and add it to the flour, then sift together.
The basic rule; to substitute all purpose flour for cake flour;
Remove 2 Tbsp. flour per each cup of flour used! (you can omit the cornstarch replacement, but it does make it lighter)
We share Thanksgiving feast with 20 people w/kids included...everyone pitched in. 2 huge turkeys, and lots, and lots of side dishes...and desserts! Just a few samples of the 'feast'...we all gained at least 5 lbs. each; at least!
Second huge turkey...not stuffed, stuffing on the side.
Can't have Thanksgiving or Christmas without the traditional French's Green Bean Casserole, which I make every year...(photo from last's the recipe) French's Green Bean Casserole
Traditional 'super easy' to make Cranberry Sauce...and old recipe that I've made for years which now my daughter makes each year. Here's the recipe: Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce
Lora's Classic Pumpkin Pie...(she made 2 this year)...also with homemade crust...yumm!
Here's the recipe: Classic Pumpkin Pie
Hanukkah candles were lit by Dr. Eric's son, River...a 'true inter-faith' group of people, with different heritage, nationality; Italian, Sicilian, Jewish, Hungarian, Polish, Irish and English, Colombian, and Mexican...( a united nation of different backgrounds)...and various religions...Jewish, Catholic, Christian, and Southern Baptist.
Blessings were recited by Dr, Eric's father, nonno Gil...
Nonno Sal...with his prayer and blessings (he wanted to have this special prayer in case he will not be here with us next year)...sigh!
Here are some of group sitting at the dinner table...Dr. Eric on the front left, (looks like I was the only camera person taking some photos)...others took I-Phone photos for their 'Instagram' ...OK, so I'm old fashioned!
Here's the recipe: Classic Pumpkin Pie
Nonno Sal...with his prayer and blessings (he wanted to have this special prayer in case he will not be here with us next year)...sigh!
Here are some of group sitting at the dinner table...Dr. Eric on the front left, (looks like I was the only camera person taking some photos)...others took I-Phone photos for their 'Instagram' ...OK, so I'm old fashioned!
The big kids (tweens, and teens)...enjoyed their meal outside on the back patio!
...a little 'nippy' temperature, but the fire pit kept them cozy and warm!
I am such a proud grandmother of 4...three, which are not shown. They are my greatest blessings and joy, along with their two children and their spouses! Without family to enjoy...even if you are single or a couple without children or have to embrace 'life' members, and even if you just have one cherish that friendship!
I saved the 'best for last' our vet, and dear friend... with abandoned beautiful Boxer, that he saved, after he was called to check this poor doggie living under a nearby highway bridge...surviving for over one year...full of scars, malnourished, and she almost had to be put down. He was able to befriend her...took her home, nourished her back to health after a couple serious surgeries...(having to deal with putting his own beloved old and sick Boxer; Charlie down)...that's what I call 'fate'...not only did the beautiful Boxer became a family member, but she was given the name 'Lady'...because she was so sweet, appreciative, with such nice 'ladylike' manners. She is with the family for one year now, and she is truly loved and cared for!
Dr. Eric does volunteer work once a week for people that cannot afford 'pet care'!
Isn't she absolutely adorable?...Lady sneaked up to me from under the dinner table, as I was sitting there, and gently rested her cute little head on my lap...looking at me with those sweet adorable and loving eyes! That's what I call a LOVE STORY! My heart simply melted, and it brought tears to my eyes!
So, I think I updated a lot this time...hope you all had a wonderful it's time to go on a diet; not really a cut down on extra helpings, and the desserts, until Christmas! xoxo
Jelly Roll...Piskóta Tekercs
Jelly Roll, or Piskóta Tekercs ...pronounced as (Pishkota Tekerch) is, and has been truly a childhood favorite of mine and for a lot of years...also, my children are quite familiar with this awesome and light delicate cake that my favorite Hungarian aunt Mariska used to make on many occasions. My son insists that it is best filled with the smooth-as-silk chocolate filling, not just any old chocolate filling but the one that is like a mousse type and tastes like milk chocolate.
I did not take too good of a photo of was an extremely stormy day over this weekend, I got soaked in the rain coming out of the supermarket yesterday afternoon...of course leaving my umbrella at the house. As you know our South Florida weather is very 'tricky'. It was somewhat a sunny/partly cloudy day earlier, and all of a sudden you get this 'flash storm' hit you out of 'nowhere' that lasts about an hour and it's all over with, and the weather clears up again~
I actually have this recipe in my head from years ago...very simple method...4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, but I do have the classic recipe in my 1986 Good Housekeeping book. I am so thrilled that I ordered the new version of the Good Housekeeping cook book from Amazon, it finally arrived.
The best way to order books is to choose the 'used' versions, especially when it is gently used...and 'like new'. This book is a 'dream'...seriously! The new price is $35. and used...$5.19 plus $3.99 shipping charge. The outer jacket cover is still on the book and it is amazingly new...just can't see any flaws at all.
Jelly Roll
adapted from the Good Housekeeping cook book
1986 edition
3/4 cup cake flour (I used 1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 eggs separated (at room temperature)
3/4 cup sugar (I used 1 cup)
Confectioners' (icing) sugar
1- 10 to 12 ounce jar jelly, or jam of your choice
(I used seedless blackberry jam)
Grease a 15 1/2 inch x 10 1/2 inch (I used a smaller size, size doesn't have to be exact)
Line pan with waxed paper, and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix cake flour (or all-purp. flour) baking powder and salt. With electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft peaks form
(use the finger test if it adheres nicely to the finger, it's done) use 1/4 cup of sugar to add gradually while mixing. (I used 1/2 cup)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a large bowl,
with same beaters and with mixer at high speed, egg yolks, vanilla extract and 1/2 cup sugar until very thick and lemon-colored (pale)
With rubber spatula, gently fold flour mixture and beaten egg whites into egg-yolk mixture.
Spread batter evenly in pan; bake 15 minutes or until cake is golden and top springs back when lightly touched with finger.
Meanwhile, sprinkle clean cloth towel with confectioners' sugar. When cake is done, immediately invert cake onto towel.
Carefully peel waxed paper from the cake. If you like, cut off crisp edges.
Starting at a narrow end, roll cake with towel, jelly-roll fashion. Cool cake completely, seam side down, on a wire rack, about 30 minutes.
To serve, unroll cooled cake. Spread cake evenly with jelly. Starting from same narrow end, roll cake without towel. Sprinkle roll with confectioners' sugar; place seam side down, on a platter.

I would like to announce the winner for the Red Gold Tomato Giveaway, which was determined by RANDOM.ORG ...number generator.
True Random Number Generator 2
Congratulations, Patty....and thanks to everyone who participated!
I've been Tagged...Seven Links!
I am so happy to have been tagged by three wonderful and talented blogger friends to participate in the
SEVEN LINKS game. I love it!
As a rule: Tag 5 bloggers, but since I've been tagged three times. I will be tagging 15 bloggers to continue this fun tagging game.
I will tag 15 bloggers, 5 for each tagging. I will contact you on your blog to tag you!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
# 3-My Homemade Garlic Rolls has to be the most controversial post. I have never made garlic rolls like these. They are like the cinnamon rolls, only with a different twist, filled with herbs and garlic. I was so excited when I first saw this on another blogger's blog. Instead of commenting on the blog that was linked to (which I did later) usual, a little "kid" all happy and excited, commenting, and complimenting how much I love the rolls..."thank you for sharing" on, and so forth, just drooling all over their post. Not a word back on their blog, not a "peep" to mine; Do you know how bad, that feels?...the rejection?...the vulnerability, to put yourself out there to a stranger's blog and open up with your feelings, and the "let down" is so sad...but your learn from it! I simply went to the "source" where it was linked from, and not only got a gracious comment, but a "gift" of the yeast she used to send to me from Singapore! So, as you see...when "one door closes, another door opens up for you!"....a happy ending!
The most helpful post by far, has to be my Chocolate Chip Biscotti that I baked for the online bake sale for the American Cancer Society, hosted by Becky, @Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves. I have never done an online baking before...did not know the firs rule about it, but there I was participating in the baking to have my biscotti bid on, bake it, and ship it out for the blogger that won the bid. It was quite challenging, for a great cause! I also bid on 2 amazing desserts and had it shipped to me. Totally fun, and a great way to support cancer research for our loved ones, friends, and all the people who are battling this disease, and for the ones that have been cured!
Such a great and rewarding feeling. I cannot go into it any further, because there would be tears of sadness, but mostly tears of joy for the cure!
My "Perfect Brownie Pan" Brownie (One Bowl Brownies,) made in the famous brownie pan with the individual dividers. By mistake, I poured the brownie filling into the pan while the dividers were in, instead, before, and it created little collars around the sides when it was done...not intending to make this design.
I was so proud of my Mushrooms in Adobo Sauce, a true authentic appetizer tapas from Spain, with caramelized onions and homemade adobo...not the powdered seasoning that you buy commercially, but your own.
It really was professionally done, and plated.Could be, that not that many people like mushrooms.
The post that I'm most proud of is the simple, yet amazing Carrot Pineapple Cake with Cream Cheese frosting, that I made for my son Joe's birthday, this March. He just published his first novel, and also launched his surfboard art career. We celebrated at a Vegan restaurant since both son wife were both vegetarian at the time (now, my son is not, after one year)
It didn't take long to make this delicious cake, but you must make it the day, or several hours before (I made it the day before) to assure it's flavors combining with all the goodness added. All ingredients are so fresh, and the frosting totally amazing!
Here are the 15 food blogger friends that I'm inviting to join the 7 Links Tag Game!
Joanna-Chic & Gorgeous Treats
Kathy-Bakeaway With Me
Brenda-Brenda's Canadian Kitchen
Junia-Mis Pensamientos
Becky-Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves
Gina-SPCookie Queen
Parsley Sage (Carsley)-Deep Dish
Lora-Cake Duchess
Lindsey-Tiny Skillet
Veronica-Quay Po Cooks
Alisha-The Ardent Epicure
Sandra-Sandra's Easy Cooking
Wendy-The Weekend Gourmet
Shabs-Yum and Delish
Michael-Me, My Food and I
SEVEN LINKS game. I love it!
Thank you, my beautiful, talented friends...
Ping, @ Ping's Pickings, Lizzy, @That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!! and Tina, @Pinay of Texas Cooking Corner As a rule: Tag 5 bloggers, but since I've been tagged three times. I will be tagging 15 bloggers to continue this fun tagging game.
I will tag 15 bloggers, 5 for each tagging. I will contact you on your blog to tag you!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
I don't do much baking for the simple reason that my daughter does most of the baking in the family, and I have been slacking off in the last few years with my cake baking. I like to come up with easy-breezy stuff, as this No Bake Raspberry Cheesecake that I literally took the recipe from the back of the box of the graham crackers, and adapted it my way! This was back in April of this year, and I received 50 comments on it! For a simple cake, I thought this was really pretty and light for Spring! (photo was taken with my old camera, and this was the best I could do)
The most helpful post by far, has to be my Chocolate Chip Biscotti that I baked for the online bake sale for the American Cancer Society, hosted by Becky, @Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves. I have never done an online baking before...did not know the firs rule about it, but there I was participating in the baking to have my biscotti bid on, bake it, and ship it out for the blogger that won the bid. It was quite challenging, for a great cause! I also bid on 2 amazing desserts and had it shipped to me. Totally fun, and a great way to support cancer research for our loved ones, friends, and all the people who are battling this disease, and for the ones that have been cured!
Such a great and rewarding feeling. I cannot go into it any further, because there would be tears of sadness, but mostly tears of joy for the cure!
My "Perfect Brownie Pan" Brownie (One Bowl Brownies,) made in the famous brownie pan with the individual dividers. By mistake, I poured the brownie filling into the pan while the dividers were in, instead, before, and it created little collars around the sides when it was done...not intending to make this design.
I was so proud of my Mushrooms in Adobo Sauce, a true authentic
It really was professionally done, and plated.
The post that I'm most proud of is the simple, yet amazing Carrot Pineapple Cake with Cream Cheese frosting, that I made for my son Joe's birthday, this March. He just published his first novel, and also launched his surfboard art career. We celebrated at a Vegan restaurant since both son wife were both vegetarian at the time (now, my son is not, after one year)
It didn't take long to make this delicious cake, but you must make it the day, or several hours before (I made it the day before) to assure it's flavors combining with all the goodness added. All ingredients are so fresh, and the frosting totally amazing!
Here are the 15 food blogger friends that I'm inviting to join the 7 Links Tag Game!
Joanna-Chic & Gorgeous Treats
Kathy-Bakeaway With Me
Brenda-Brenda's Canadian Kitchen
Junia-Mis Pensamientos
Becky-Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves
Gina-SPCookie Queen
Parsley Sage (Carsley)-Deep Dish
Lora-Cake Duchess
Lindsey-Tiny Skillet
Veronica-Quay Po Cooks
Alisha-The Ardent Epicure
Sandra-Sandra's Easy Cooking
Wendy-The Weekend Gourmet
Shabs-Yum and Delish
Michael-Me, My Food and I
A Lovely Blog Award

I am so honored to have The Lovely Blog Award bestowed upon me, not once, but twice. The first one was one week ago, from Emma, at Sunflower Days, and the second, today, from Lora,
at cake duchess. I am so excited every day to think of new things to blog about, and also checking to see what my foodie friends are blogging about
If it wasn't for the Foodbuzz Community, I would not have some many wonderful, and talented people from all over the world.There are so many beautiful blogs out there, and I have been fortunate to have made friends with a lot of them.
I have been so inspired by all the different cultures, and their dishes that every day is such a joy for me to be able to get into contact with all my friends.
So this is a "shout out" now to the 30 bloggers.
Thank you Emma...thank you Lora, and thanks to all of you!
I apologize for the delay...I came up with with my list, just have to link it and shout it out!
Anecdotes and Applecores-Monet
Angie's Recipes -Angie
Books, Thoughts, and a few Adventures-Patty
Brenda's Canadian Kitchen-Brenda
Cake Duchess-Lora
Cardomom Hills
Chic Gorgeous-Jo
Citrom hab.
Culorile din Farfurie-Sara
Deba Roo Roo-Debbie
Dreams of Sugarplums-Alexandria
Food Fun Freak-Sabby
Green Girl
La Kocinera-Koci
Liv Life too-Kim
Mari's Cakes-Mari
More than a Mountfull-Chef Dennis
My Kitchen in the Rockies-Kirsten
Priya's easy n tasty recipes-Priya
Quay Po Cooks-Veronica
Shosh's yummy foods
Susi Kochen und Backen-Susi
Shepwell Kitchen -Anne
That skinny chick can bake-Lizzy
US Masala-Aipi
Weekend Gourmet-Wendy
What's for dinner-across Statelines-Gina
Yesim Style Kitchen-Yesim
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Cleveland Winter 2017
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