I am so behind with my post that I intended for Thursday...and here we are, it's Friday now, and way into the evening. I don't have any new things to post, except these perfectly yummy
Ricotta Spiral
Pastries that I got the idea from a food blogger friend
Gizike from
Hungary. @
Gizi Receptjei (Gizi's Recipes)...Click over to check her Ricotta Spiral Pastry with Bacon Bits...in English, but you will recognize it from the inviting photo of her yummy creation! While you're there, browse through her other amazing recipes, and lovely photos to illustrate them!
Hers is with crispy bits of bacon, and mine is with fresh chopped basil, and fresh chopped oregano. I used what my daughter had in her fridge, and freezer...she just diddn't have bacon. Lora and I are never without
Pepperidge Farm puff pastry, or phyllo dough, and other ingredients which for us are 'staple ingredients' such as ricotta, and Reggiano Parmigiana cheese.
Just reading the recipe in Hungarian, and knowing I had all these ingredients on hand, I got so thrilled about making it. Just thaw out the puff pastry and you're ready to start.
Gizike's blog is in Hungarian, but she has a TRANSLATE option. Just 'sift' through some of the inconsistencies on the
translator because some stuff may sound totally ridiculous, which does not fit correctly into the
English language, or vica-versa, according to a
Hungarian food blogger, constantly mentioning to me that the translate is humorous most of the time!
Speaking of which! Couldn't be any more humorous than, trying to translate from a
Bulgarian food blog. Wonder who does these translations...because, that specific time, when I tried to get the recipe of a stuffed chicken, and was interested in the stuffing ingredients. I certainly was not about to print it out (in fact, I let the blogger know of the problem)...no response!......translate option said, instead of
'stuff the chicken'...'f--k' the chicken ...now I'm blushing! So just venture with the translate, carefully!
Ricotta Spiral Pastry
adapted from,Gizike
1 sheet puff pastry
1 cup whole milk, or low-fat ricotta cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 egg
a few basil leaves, and oregano leaves, chopped
or herbs of your choice
2 cloves garlic chopped
salt, and pepper to taste
Tbsp butter, melted (optional)
In a medium bowl, mix together with a fork; the ricotta, parmesan, basil, oregano, eggs garlic, salt, and pepper.
With a rolling pin, roll the thawed out puff pastry lightly, and evenly. Brush some of the butter on it, and spoon the ricotta mixture evenly.
Start to roll up the dough 'jelly roll' style.
Now, you can start to cut them with a sharp knife.
Cut the slices carefully about 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
(note: the little end piece on the right corner. I actually saved that too.)
Place the spiral rolls carefully in a round cake pan...(I used a pan with a removable bottom. Make sure you spray the pan with cooking spray!
You can also use a rectangular pan, depending if you use a single portion, or double portion!
Brush the rest of the butter on top, and with a soup spoon, pat them down lightly and shape them into rounds.
In a preheated 375 degree F. oven, bake for 35-45 minutes, until it gets golden brownish around the edges.
It turned out incredible, flaky, and oh, so ridiculously overly amazing!
Now, on to some other things to mention!
I received a small package the other day...a fabulous gift for Lora and I, from our dear friend,
Lizzy...the most amazing French soap, the fragrance alone, is breathtaking...one sniff, and you feel like you're in Paris...actually it was from Paris. This was her gracious token of gift to all of us who has guest posted for her, while she flew off to Paris...doesn't it sound romantic?...well it should, and I should be the one to go next time...LOL
Another thing:
I already announced the winner of my giveaway...which is
Sissi, from
With a glass ...Congratulations to Sissi!
Sissi was contacted and already responded by e-mail, and was very thrilled. I will soon have another giveaway, just can't decide yet, what it will be. Thank you Sissi, and thank you all for your kind comments, and participation!..xo
I wish you all lived closer, so I could give you some mangoes...I've been giving them to Lora's neighbors. Since we had that hard wind, and storm, the mangoes have been dropping from the tree like "dead flies"...oooh, not a good comparison. I even got one fall down and knocked me on my head...ouch!...got a nice bump...saw some 'stars'...even split the ripe mango open...ha,ha....just didn't want to post that photo.
Now, all I need is some ideas, and recipes to make mangoes with!...any suggestions?...please, send some my way!