Hi friends...
Thanksgiving is over, but the show is not, or should I call it "show and tell?" Anyway, here's the scoop. My son-in-law, the
executive chef, and his best friend/neighbor/Vet had this brilliant idea to have 4 families, and 2 sets of grandparents come together, and everyone making something. This was the first Thanksgiving to have all these families, and children eat together under one roof. It was quite an adventure, but lots of great food, and desserts, and lots of fun. (Glad I wasn't hosting it)...anyway, we had two, 20lb. turkeys, this was mine that I made to bring along, with all the trimmings. For that matter, getting up at 6 AM and have the turkey in the oven by 7...luckily all the other thing were done the day before. For that matter, I could've had it in my little condo, but how do I fit 20 adults, and 10 children in? I surely would have the "condo commandos" on patrol and be not only reported, but be "blacklisted"
So, bare with me, while I show off my "dressed bird" at both angles. Got this yummy tender Butterball turkey at Costco a couple days before, and all the other good stuff, including a huge bag of fresh cranberries. Can't beat Costco, that's for sure!
Here's the backside of my beautiful "broad breasted" turkey. It was so tender, melt in your mouth white meat, that my electric knife just would not work slicing it, because it was so moist, and tender, any knife for that matter worked. The stuffing was made from Pepperidge Farm Herb seasoned, from 3, 16ozs. bags...(4 in a huge box) plus half of a huge bag of Nonni's brand of foccacia parmesan croutons. Just simple sauteed mushroom, onions, and celery, and about 1/4 cup of my pecan pesto mixed in their for more flavor. Stuffed the bird, and made a casserole of it on the side. Yumm!