I am so happy to have been tagged by three wonderful and talented blogger friends to participate in the
SEVEN LINKS game. I love it!
Thank you, my beautiful, talented friends...
Ping, @ Ping's Pickings, Lizzy, @That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!! and Tina, @Pinay of Texas Cooking Corner
As a rule: Tag 5
bloggers, but since I've been tagged three times. I will be
tagging 15 bloggers to continue this fun tagging game.
I will tag 15 bloggers, 5 for each tagging. I will contact you on your blog to tag you!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
I don't do much
baking for the simple reason that my daughter does most of the baking in the family, and I have been slacking off in the last few years with my cake baking. I like to come up with easy-breezy stuff, as this
No Bake Raspberry Cheesecake that I literally took the recipe from the back of the box of the graham crackers, and adapted it my way! This was back in April of this year, and I received 50 comments on it! For a simple cake, I thought this was really pretty and light for Spring! (photo was taken with my old camera, and this was the best I could do)
# 3-My
Homemade Garlic Rolls has to be the most
controversial post. I have never made garlic rolls like these. They are like the
cinnamon rolls, only with a different twist, filled with herbs and garlic. I was so excited when I first saw this on another blogger's blog. Instead of commenting on the blog that was linked to (which I did later) ...as usual, me...like a little "kid" all happy and excited, commenting, and complimenting how much I love the rolls..."thank you for sharing"...so on, and so forth, just drooling all over their post. Not a word back on their blog, not a "peep" to mine; Do you know how bad, that feels?...the rejection?...the vulnerability, to put yourself out there to a stranger's blog and open up with your feelings, and the "let down" is so sad...but your learn from it! I simply went to the "source" where it was linked from, and not only got a gracious comment, but a "gift" of the yeast she used to send to me from
Singapore! So, as you see...when "one door closes, another door opens up for you!"....a happy ending!
The most helpful post by far, has to be my
Chocolate Chip Biscotti that I baked for the online
bake sale for the
American Cancer Society, hosted by
Becky, @Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves. I have never done an online baking before...did not know the firs rule about it, but there I was participating in the baking to have my biscotti bid on, bake it, and ship it out for the blogger that won the bid. It was quite challenging, for a great cause! I also bid on 2 amazing desserts and had it shipped to me. Totally fun, and a great way to support cancer research for our loved ones, friends, and all the people who are battling this disease, and for the ones that have been cured!
Such a great and rewarding feeling. I cannot go into it any further, because there would be tears of sadness, but mostly tears of joy for the cure!
"Perfect Brownie Pan" Brownie (One Bowl Brownies,)
made in the famous brownie pan with the individual dividers. By mistake, I poured the brownie filling into the pan while the dividers were in, instead, before, and it created little collars around the sides when it was done...not intending to make this design.
I was so proud of my
Mushrooms in Adobo Sauce, a true authentic
appetizer tapas from
Spain, with caramelized onions and homemade adobo...not the powdered seasoning that you buy commercially, but your own.
It really was professionally done, and plated.
Could be, that not that many people like mushrooms.
The post that I'm most proud of is the simple, yet amazing
Carrot Pineapple Cake with Cream Cheese frosting, that I made for my son Joe's birthday, this March. He just published his first novel, and also launched his surfboard art career. We celebrated at a Vegan restaurant since both son wife were both vegetarian at the time (now, my son is not, after one year)
It didn't take long to make this delicious cake, but you must make it the day, or several hours before (I made it the day before) to assure it's flavors combining with all the goodness added. All ingredients are so fresh, and the frosting totally amazing!
Here are the 15 food blogger friends that I'm inviting to join the 7 Links Tag Game!
Joanna-Chic & Gorgeous Treats
Kathy-Bakeaway With Me
Brenda-Brenda's Canadian Kitchen
Junia-Mis Pensamientos
Becky-Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves
Gina-SPCookie Queen
Parsley Sage (Carsley)-Deep Dish
Lora-Cake Duchess
Lindsey-Tiny Skillet
Veronica-Quay Po Cooks
Alisha-The Ardent Epicure
Sandra-Sandra's Easy Cooking
Wendy-The Weekend Gourmet
Shabs-Yum and Delish
Michael-Me, My Food and I