Hello Everyone...all my dear {food} blogger friends!
You may, or may not welcome me back to the 'food blogging' world, but as for me it's been quite a journey staying away from my blog that I've built over the past 5 years; actually almost to the exact 5 years next month (I think)...just can't remember exact dates on important events.
I've missed you all, and I truly am sorry for not visited and commented on your blogs all these months...6 months to be exact. I have not looked into my very own blog and have begun to think that I had 'squatters' taking over, just like in abandoned houses...as in, abandoned blog is what 'food and thrift' has become...sad, but true!
I'm gonna start from the beginning, where I left off, although I have been somewhat active on facebook and have kept in touch with some of you, and of course, on Pinterest which have kept me busy pinning all the yummy foods, and pretty things. This has been an up-and-down emotional 6 months for me and I came up with every excuse in the 'book' why I should not return to my blog...now, I must admit to myself the real reason...other than...my blog isn't 'good enough' to continue.
Some of you may know that I took a short 10 day trip to my hometown Cleveland, (suburb outside of the city) to visit my older sister and family. The worst time of the year, in January, the coldest month of the winter time. My sister Aniko has been ill for some time with various problems...mostly back problems for the last decade or so, but she has always been active in her beautiful home...a proud wife, mother, grandmother...an amazing cook, baker, and so proud of her beautiful home that she kept in perfect and beautiful style...mostly gorgeous Hungarian art and paintings and mostly the world famous Herendi ceramic sculptures, and figurines.
Unfortunately, she has given up all interest in her home, and recently in her life...her memory is slipping, quite rapidly these last few months...could be Alzheimer's...not so sure, I'm so skeptical about approaching that 'subject' from family members...all I know, our conversations are getting less and less via phone, to almost a 'yes' and 'no' replies from her. This beautiful vibrant happy woman has diminished into a stranger I do not know any more. We have always been close throughout the years...growing up, and as adults.
Life has taken a sharp turn and now we just have to prepare for what the future will hold next!
While my short stay in Cleveland, I enjoyed every minute of my stay with my family, and shopping in my beloved city...especially the West Side Market that's been around for decades, maybe a century...will have to 'google' that!
You may, or may not welcome me back to the 'food blogging' world, but as for me it's been quite a journey staying away from my blog that I've built over the past 5 years; actually almost to the exact 5 years next month (I think)...just can't remember exact dates on important events.
I've missed you all, and I truly am sorry for not visited and commented on your blogs all these months...6 months to be exact. I have not looked into my very own blog and have begun to think that I had 'squatters' taking over, just like in abandoned houses...as in, abandoned blog is what 'food and thrift' has become...sad, but true!
I'm gonna start from the beginning, where I left off, although I have been somewhat active on facebook and have kept in touch with some of you, and of course, on Pinterest which have kept me busy pinning all the yummy foods, and pretty things. This has been an up-and-down emotional 6 months for me and I came up with every excuse in the 'book' why I should not return to my blog...now, I must admit to myself the real reason...other than...my blog isn't 'good enough' to continue.
Some of you may know that I took a short 10 day trip to my hometown Cleveland, (suburb outside of the city) to visit my older sister and family. The worst time of the year, in January, the coldest month of the winter time. My sister Aniko has been ill for some time with various problems...mostly back problems for the last decade or so, but she has always been active in her beautiful home...a proud wife, mother, grandmother...an amazing cook, baker, and so proud of her beautiful home that she kept in perfect and beautiful style...mostly gorgeous Hungarian art and paintings and mostly the world famous Herendi ceramic sculptures, and figurines.
I call it the... Bordó...Bordeaux...formal living room at my sister's house |
Unfortunately, she has given up all interest in her home, and recently in her life...her memory is slipping, quite rapidly these last few months...could be Alzheimer's...not so sure, I'm so skeptical about approaching that 'subject' from family members...all I know, our conversations are getting less and less via phone, to almost a 'yes' and 'no' replies from her. This beautiful vibrant happy woman has diminished into a stranger I do not know any more. We have always been close throughout the years...growing up, and as adults.
On the left, is the formal dining room. |
As in most Northern homes...this is where the family spends 99% to hang out...chill out, in the family room a split level type house, downstairs, |
I love their back yard, it's like a 'national park'...so large and huge trees; the deck is so great in the summer time. |
such a pretty winter scene in the back yard |
This is the front of the house...typical Northern home |
Life has taken a sharp turn and now we just have to prepare for what the future will hold next!
Cilu, their beloved Siamese mix...rescue cat, so beautiful and wise! |
The famous West Side Market, in Cleveland...a 'food lover's dream' come true! |
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A 'selfie'...me, and Susan...(nephew Denes' wife)...she is more like a niece to me an amazing cook and baker, getting her culinary degree! |
While my short stay in Cleveland, I enjoyed every minute of my stay with my family, and shopping in my beloved city...especially the West Side Market that's been around for decades, maybe a century...will have to 'google' that!
Hungarian sausages, better known as... kolbász...stocked up on it to take back to Florida; sooo good! |
Most amazing Artisan breads |
Susan...(my nephew's wife)...and nephew Denes buying fresh produce |
Yuuhuuu....My Sweet Elisabeth, welcome back to blogland. We definitely missed you a lot a lot....so happy to see you again.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your wonderful trip pictures. The winter scenery are really beautiful and the artisan bread look so good too. Sorry to read about your sister condition. With God blessing, hope all is well at your side and hers.
Have a nice day ahead, with lots of love and a huge hugs to you.
Hi, my dear friend, Amelia...thank you for welcoming me back to my blog...and blog land...blog world! I appreciate your words of caring and kindness...hopefully my sister will get better; it's all in God's hand!
DeleteBig hugs, and lots of love to you, as well!
Hi my dearest Elisabeth, 2 days ago I pop in to your blog got a shock that I was 'locked out". with message access denial. LOL
DeleteWarmest regards and a big hugs to you.
You have been TERRIBLY missed, Elisabeth!!! And what a beautiful house! I love particularly that beautiful backyard view. Can't help but drooling over those artisan bread!!
ReplyDeleteHave a marvelous day!
Hi Angie...thank you so much for missing me...as I have missed you as well! Indeed my sister does have a beautiful house and she has taken so much pride in keeping up with it throughout the years!
DeleteWill come by to visit, and comment on your blog, and everyone's as well!
Hello there, Elisabeth! Glad to see your post :) It's great to know that you had a wonderful time in Cleveland visiting with your sister. She has a gorgeous home! I'm sorry to hear of her condition. I do hope that things will get better for her.
ReplyDeleteI can't help but stare at the beautiful winter scenery (the 4th photo in particular). I would love to experience snow! And the Westside Market looks like a place I could spend the whole day at hah..hah..so many things to look at and eat! The sausages and breads look fantastic. Oh and you look great in the selfie with Susan [or is that a wefie? :D] Take care, Elisabeth!
Hi Phong Hong, I'm really glad to be back on my blog and posting again! Indeed, I did have a wonderful time in Cleveland, my dear beloved home town...just not quite the same now since my sister has taken ill. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!
DeleteThe winter scene was right at their property and house; really lovely to marvel the beautiful white snow and lovely scenery! The West Side Market has to be and always was my very favorite market to shop; wish we had something historical and amazing like that here, in S. Florida!
Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Melinda...so nice of you to stop by!
DeleteHi Elisabeth, I'm so happy to welcome you back!!! Funny, I was just thinking of you a couple of days ago...Great pics from your visit with family, I really hope that your sister's health will not deteriorate fast (if she has Alzheimer's). Take good care of yourself, looking forward to your new posts!!! XOXO
ReplyDeleteHi Xara, Thank you for welcoming me back...it's good to be back and blogging again. I did take a lot of pics in Cleveland, mostly at my family's place. As far as having Alzheimer's, I am not clear about that, but for sure something similar to that, unless it's just temporary...but it does not appear that way! Her physical and health situation unfortunately does not look very promising right now!
DeleteI will come by to visit your blog and comment, soon...xoxo
Welcome back Sweet Bella!!!! You have most certainly been missed!!! I am so sorry to hear of your sister's condition, and will be keeping her in my prayers! Her home is gorgeous, and I loved looking at your pics from the trip...sending my love along these lines....xoxo j
ReplyDeleteHi sweet Bella! Thank you for welcoming me back. Glad that I got to see you and your beautiful family on facebook while I was absent from my blog. Thank you for caring and appreciate your prayers for my sister!
DeleteSending love, and big hugs,
Hi Elizabeth, I have missed you too. In fact I just deleted your blog from my reader the other day because I didn't think you were returning. I am not on Facebook so have no idea what people are up to when they are not posting on their blogs. Anyway, I hope you are now back and that you will gain some comfort from the familiarity of your blog. Five years ago (approximately) my life changed a lot too due to my mother having to go into care home and my own health issues. The past 5 years have been a roller coaster and I'm only now beginning to feel a bit more normal. I started my blog to help keep me positive and looking forward 5 years ago and in the last 2 years or so have felt more challenged to keep it up. I would miss everyone if I suddenly left the blogospher and find it hard when people "disappear" without any word as to where they are going. Of course I understand, 'life happens". I'm just glad to see you are fine. Hugs to you. I know what it is like to lose a sister. xx
ReplyDeleteHi Penny, You are right about me not returning...after much contemplation, I decided to return since I have so much to share and sometimes it's better to be open about certain things as with your mom over the years. Not everything so 'wonderful' in our lives...meaning the people close to us, not just about us!
DeleteYou are absolutely right about people disappearing from the 'blogspher especially their own blog. I contacted a blogger friend of mine when she returned after 1yr of absence...no explanation on her blog why she disappeared for a year and she continued on as if nothing has happened since her disappearance...the worst part was, me leaving a nice comment letting her know I missed her...no reply, ...'nada'! Some people take a different approach to life as if nothing has happened!
I did not lose my sister...but in a sense that we cannot converse like we used to yes, I did lose her! xo
Kedves Elizabeth, jó újralátni, és olvasni a soraidat!!! Olyan sok minden történt az utóbbi években, én mindig olvastalak, látogattam a blogodat, de szégyenlem, hogy a kommentekkel és a levél írással elmaradtam. Nagyon örülök, hogy újra itt vagy közöttünk.
ReplyDeleteSzomorúan olvasom hogy a húgod állapota megromlott, de bizakodjunk..... Jobbulás, kitartást, és jó egészséget kívánok neki.
Csodálatosak a képek, a lakás gyönyörű, a havas táj mesebeli, és a nyüzsgő piac..... szerettem volna én is ott lenni.
Puszillak drága Elisabeth, vigyázz magadra, és nagyon várom a sok finomságot melyekkel virtuálisan megvendégelsz bennünket.
Kedves Gizike, hát bizony sok minden történt az utóbbi években...nincs mit szégyelni hogy el maradtál kommentekkel, és levél irásokkal. Ez mindenkivel megtörténik. Nekem van egy kedves unoka hugom B-Pesten akivel szoktam e-mail levelezni, de vele is abba maradt, neki is megvan a problémái idős szüleivel, és az életével. Sokszor az ember ki merül a sok panaszkodásbol és jobb hogy nem beszél róla.
DeleteEz a nővérem...nem a hugom, köszönöm a kedves jó kivánságaidat, mi is reménykedünk hogy egészége vissza jöjjön, de nem tudjuk mi fog következni a hamaros jövőben...de ami realiszikusan következne, rossz is bele gondolni!
A ház, és lakás bizony gyönyörü, a sógorom gyönyörüen szokja tartani a kertet, de már ő sem egészséges. A piac, az meg tényleg egy mesebeli álom, amit én még máshol nem is láttam.
Puszillak drága Gizike, és megigérem, meglátogatlak a blogodon gyakrabban!
Hi Elisabeth, welcome back. I have missed you too. So sorry to hear about your sister, it has to be awful hard to see your sister slipping away. I have two sisters and I could imagine going through what you are. I hope you keep going with your blog. I loved the pictures that you shared.
ReplyDeleteHi Elisabeth! I'm so glad you're back, I feel like I know you even though we've never met and I was worried about you (I don't have Facebook). I figured you had life stuff happening though and although I'm glad you told us, I'm sad you've had to go through all this, and for your sister's troubles.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are so lovely, especially your sister's gorgeous home and that snowy Christmas tree pic, so beautiful! I understand if you don't want to keep blogging but I sure hope you do :)
Emma xxx
Kedves Elizabeth!
ReplyDeleteÖrültem, hogy írtál nekem, boldogan olvastam a soraidat. Örülök, hogy jól vagy! Ez a lakás nagyon szép, hasonló a stílusa mint az enyémnek. Nekem is vannak szép festményeim, szőnyegem és porcelánok. Ahogy idősödik az ember sokkal jobban megtalálja a maga stílusát, amiben otthon érzi magát. Cicám is volt ilyen, de sajnos ő már nem él... Puszillak, örülök, hogy írtál!
Oh Elizabeth, How did I not see this post sooner? So glad to see you back, too! I’ve missed you!
ReplyDeleteSorry that your sister is not doing well. Illness is a hard thing for families to deal with.
Love your photos, especially that market place! It sounds like the kind of place I could roam for hours!
Hugs, my friend!
Elisabeth, this was fabulous, I felt like I stepped back in time looking at pictures of your sister's house. My great aunt had a home like this in Vancouver. It is identifiably in North America of a person with Hungarian sensibilities.